Get self-care obsessors to see vitamins as the easiest essential add-on to your wellness routine | AD: Kenneth Harris | CW: Laura Smith
Fit Anywhere: Your wellness routine doesn’t need to be complicated. Sure, you could chug green juice or assemble a walking pad. But those take time. And you don't have that. So instead, take Olly. We're that thing you don't have to make time for.

Print ads would Fit Anywhere, tying together the situations and products into a perfect pair. 

(Social) (left) Tag @ollywellness in your calendar & we’ll pop Olly into the place where it fits best 

(right) We will take over our Instagram feed by fitting Olly bottles into everyday situations

TV Script: Metro Ick/:15
We open on a crowded metro car, focusing in on Zach scrolling his phone 
We see a stranger get up and pass by Zach, violently sneezing as they pass, snot flying everywhere 
We see Zach and the stranger exchange looks of  horror. The stranger mouths “sorry”  
VO: That ick you’re feeling…
We cut to a close-up of Zach as he grabs a bottle of Olly Immunity out of his bag and pops two 
VO: Doesn’t need to make you sick 
END CARD: Olly Vitamins: Fit Anywhere
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